
VI Runners - Extra Running/Volunteering Opportunities (WNTL?)

The VI (Visually Impaired) Runners are on the look out for guides to help with their running nights which are on a Wednesday evening at various locations around Bristol.  You can attend a England Athletics Guide Runner course (which is really useful) but the course isn't mandatory and the VI Runners themselves are happy to train runners to become guides especially as they are short of guides at the moment. They are also always looking for guides for races and entry is free for guide runners. 

If anyone is interested in becoming a guide runner check out the VI runners Facebook page and go along on a Wednesday evening for a very inspirational run!  For more information or an informal chat, speak to EGRC runner Emily Jeffries who has been running with the VI Runners for a few months now.

Emersons Green Running Club - Juniors Section

We are still on the look out for a leader to take forward a EGRC Juniors Section.  

To recap   .. in 2018 a number of club members got together and discussed the idea of creating EGRC Juniors, an arm of the club looking after Under 18s. Although there seems to be a lot of interest in this idea and we have a number of people willing to assist in this project, we lack a leader, someone who will pull everything and everyone together and ultimately lead the EGRC Junior volunteers. Could this be you?  Or do you know someone who could be just the right person?  Please e-mail or speak to a member of the committee for a chat about what is involved and how you could help.


EGRC High Altitude Training Camp?

With Addis now just a direct flight away, several training centres are starting up in the hills outside of the capital for tourist runners.  Any takers for an EGRC high altitude training camp?   There is a tradition that the local runners in Ethiopia's sprawling capital Addis Adaba get up at day break each day and run in the central Meskel Square.   Meskel Square has semi-circular terassing and you start at the bottom, run one length and step up to the next level to return until you finally get up to the top. It is one of most memorable experiences of a trip to Ethiopia to run at the famous landmark in a country where running is the national sport.   

See James Gardener's Where in the World below for more inspiration.

Where in the World

James Gardener

This photo is taken at Meskel Sqaure with a friendly local who decided I needed some impromptu coaching. Very interesting running at 8000 ft (plus pollution) and note how quickly you hit threshold. I thought that I took it very easy but was pretty 'hung over' from the altitude the following day.

Neil Newman

I was on top of a mountain in Playa Blanca, Lanzarote. Hatcha Grande is 1844 feet tall and when I reached the top after slightly dodgy run/walk/scramble/climb, I was joined by a fell runner from Leeds.